About Us


We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as the Largest Manufacturers in India for High Precision Batch Coding, Marking & Packaging Systems for printing variable information like Batch No., Mfg. Date, Exp. Date, M.R.P. Rs., Ingredients, Sequential Numbers, Logos, etc. on any substrate which is stationary or moving.

AIMS is the leading Marking, Coding & Packaging company in India having the largest indigenous product range to suit your every requirement. No other company offers you as many ways to code your products and packages. Our background of Industrial Electronics when coupled with our expertise in Coding gives us the edge for understanding your coding requirement and providing customized solutions for non-standard applications. We take the complete responsibility to select the proper coder, demonstrating it at your site, installing the system & providing after sales support for absolute customer satisfaction.

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AIMS Coders have been made rough and tough to withstand the vagaries of Indian weather from extremely cold to hot, dusty to wet climatic conditions, low power, power fluctuations, etc. where most imported coders would fail. These Coders are designed and supplied after taking into consideration of the poor working conditions generally prevailing in the following industries


AIMS is the leading Marking, Coding & Packaging company in India having the largest indigenous product range to suit your every requirement. No other company offers you as many ways to code your products and packages. Our background of Industrial Electronics when coupled with our expertise in Coding gives us the edge for understanding your coding requirement and providing customized solutions for non-standard applications. We take the complete responsibility to select the proper coder, demonstrating it at your site, installing the system & providing after sales support for absolute customer satisfaction.




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Duis rutrum nisl urna. Maecenas vel libero this faucibus nisi venenatis hendrerit a id lectus.P Suspendissendt molestie turpis nec laciniane vehicula volutpat purus.

Shwan Pull



Duis rutrum nisl urna. Maecenas vel libero this faucibus nisi venenatis hendrerit a id lectus.P Suspendissendt molestie turpis nec laciniane vehicula volutpat purus.

Adam Groff



Duis rutrum nisl urna. Maecenas vel libero this faucibus nisi venenatis hendrerit a id lectus.P Suspendissendt molestie turpis nec laciniane vehicula volutpat purus.

Lilyan Danclark



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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.